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Hotel Rossa, a hypothetical luxury hotel, serves as the centerpiece of this case study. Our goal is to address a common issue plaguing many high-end hotel websites in Cameroon: amateurish and poorly designed user interfaces (UI) with subaper user experiences. Through this case study, we will showcase the transformative journey of Hotel Rossa's website, from conceptualization to a sophisticated and user-friendly digital experience.

Research and analysis

In our research, we examined several high-end hotel websites that suffer from subpar UI design. These websites, despite representing luxury brands, fail to provide a seamless and engaging user experience.


This critique is not intended to single out any specific website but rather to highlight common areas for improvement. Our goal is to help raise the standards of hotel website design in Cameroon and enhance the overall user experience. By identifying these areas, we aim to support the industry in creating more effective and appealing online presences.

Star land hotel

  1. The overall design appears dated and lacks the sophistication expected of a luxury hotel.
  2. The multi-layered menu is confusing, and some links open in new tabs, disrupting the user experience.
  3. The mobile version has small, hard-to-tap elements, making navigation challenging.

Prodiges Hotel

  1. Again the overall aesthetic feels outdated and does not reflect a modern, luxurious experience.
  2. The homepage is crowded with not well structured text and images, making it difficult for users to focus on key information.
  3. The textual content is sparse and lacks engaging storytelling or detailed descriptions, which diminishes the appeal of the hotel’s offerings.

La Vallée de Bana Hotel

  1. Again the overall aesthetic feels outdated and does not reflect a modern, luxurious experience.
  2. Poor understanding and use of colors and typography, resulting in a lack of visual appeal and readability.
  3. Low-quality images that detract from the design instead of enhancing it.












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Booking Page

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About Page

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Rooms & Suites Page

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Blog Page

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Contact Page

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